So, I know anyone who happens to actually look at this site really only gets on here to see if there are any new pictures or videos of my sweet kids and probably the last thing you want to read is my sports soapbox, but, as a break from my studies today I find it hard to concentrate, given that my Nuggs are in the conference finals and a crucial Game 5 is on tonight. I went to ESPN to check it out and found this great little piece by Rick Reilly, whose articles in Sports Illustrated I really love. If you're a Nuggets fan, check it out. It will make you laugh or get you pumped for the victory tonight. If you're not a Nuggets fan, there's still time to get the train before we dominate the rest of the world and hoist our trophy,...better get on it. And for any Lakers fans, I don't think I can say much to you on here..after all, it's a family website, other than it's gonna be so sweet when your little golden boy crybaby has to go home and watch us play in the finals....GO NUGGS!
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