Wednesday, March 11, 2009

No Picture, Just a Funny Story

Harper has been talking like crazy lately! She has picked up so many words, and tries to repeat even more. Some of her latest are: light, please, round round (when referring to the fan), and cracker, which means graham cracker.

So, while looking at pictures today I pointed to "Grammy" (Dawn) and asked, "Can you say Grammy," and Harper looked at me and said "Cracker." I lost it! Grammy Cracker!! She preceded to repeat "cracker, cracker, cracker" until I went to the pantry and gave her a stinkin' graham cracker...persistent little thing!


  1. I may be prejudiced but I'm pretty sure that little girl is brilliant.
    Must take after her grampy...... yeah right!

  2. Thats awesome Harper. Hey, the girl knows what she wants! You just happened to remind her (:
