If any of you happened to visit our previous blog and are kind (or crazy or bored) enough to follow us on to this one, you may have wondered where it so suddenly disappeared. We managed our last blog through a dotMac account that apparently Mac is pretty proud of, because it costs a decent amount for the account every year and this one is free. So here we go starting over. This weekend marked the end of a 6 week rotation for me in Family Medicine. Although I've had every weekend off during the rotation - a rare commodity in med school - the weekend after a final test always feels cause for some sort of celebration. So, though it was a bit chilly out still, the 3 and a half of us decided to take an afternoon jaunt to our local Tower Grove Park. It had been a while since we'd last tested Harper out on a playground, so Steph and I were eager to see if she warmed up to the swings and stuff yet. In between cawing, waving and pointing and the other kids, she did seem to really enjoy the swings (we got some video) and her first time down the slides. Though it was a quick little trip - I think we actually left more because of Steph being cold than Harper, despite her red nose - it was really good to get out together. Hope you all are well, wherever you are reading this from. More to come.
i love that you guys are blogging again!! i love seeing pictures of harper !! i am glad things are going so well! how nice to have the weekends at home! we love you guys!
i love that you guys are blogging again!! i love seeing pictures of harper !! i am glad things are going so well! how nice to have the weekends at home! we love you guys!