First off I would like to apologize. Not to you. To my second born. We have so many photos of Harper. For like the first month of Harper's life she could barely, breathe, move, poop without us taking a picture of it (yes, I did take a picture of a huge blowout poop Harp did when she like 3 weeks old... just ask my friend Kim. Di.Sgus.Ting.) Anyway, refocus. We do not have nearly as many pictures of our little Luke, and for that, my dear son...your mama is sorry.
Here's things you should know about Luke:
We almost always call him Lukey, which is a habit I am trying to break, because it's not very "manly," (and he's one now, so time to "man up") but he has just the sweetest little face you can't help but say, "Oh, Lukey, you are soooo cute!" Other nicknames are: Mister Man, Sweet boy, Sweet Pea, Peanut Butter, Little Bear, Brother.

Luke is a TOTAL flirt. If there is a girl nearby he is tilting his head, smiling, saying "hi." We can barely get him to eat when we go out to dinner, because he is hitting on the lady at the next table. Old ladies LOVE him! Seriously, it's ridiculous how many older women stop me to talk to him. Literally, calling their friends over to see him. Hilarious.

Luke himself is hilarious. He loves to dance, he roars like a tiger pretty much daily, he climbs on everything! Before he does something "naughty" he'll make sure I'm looking, smile at me, and then slowly do his "no, no" thing. It's really not about being "naughty" with Lukey, it's more about teasing his mama. Speaking of teasing, he LOVES to tease his sister, which she also loves (oh, I forgot you can't "hear" sarcasm over the internet. In that case, I WAS BEING SARCASTIC.) Luke waits until Harper has everything perfect, (like her tea party set), and he very nonchalantly crawls over... sits down next to her...and then...swipes something and takes off! Screams then follow. It's a crack up...the swiping, not the screaming; that's horrible.

And he has the cutest buns!! Pinchable. (Which apparently isn't a real word. hmm?)
Oh, and I have this video of Luke walking (which he just decided to do two days ago and he is like a professional already), but it wouldn't post so it will have to be for another time.