There is no way to prepare for motherhood. You can have all the babysitting experience, you can read all the books, but in the end no amount of babysitting or book reading can really teach how to be a mom. Nothing can ever prepare you for the absolute, intense, jump in front of a bus, hold yourself back from possibly hurting the other kid in church nursery for making your kid cry, irrational crazy love you will experience. And no one can also help you understand the all I want to do is get my kids to do normal activities like sleep through the (flippin') night, wear pants, choose a snack or let me go to the bathroom by myself with out an absolute fit (either by them or me). No one can tell you that you will uncontrolablly love your kids and then at the same time they may literally drive you nuts. And on any given day you will probably feel both emotions, most likely back to back.
In my house we have hit a great stage. Luke is crawling, he loves to sit and play with blocks and his trucks, and he jabbers all the time. He loves to dance and sing and if he is fussy while you change his diaper or you're trying to give him the last few bites of food, you simply have to sing the ABC's or Twinkle Twinkle or just belt out La La La and he is mesmerized. Harper loves to pretend, either by dressing up and having a tea party or by simply telling you a little story about her "pet" mouse or bunny or birdie. She is extremely vocal; she loves to talk and sing (she basically runs a commentary on her daily activities). She is independent; she want to dress herself and "choose" everything, from what barrette she'll wear to what snack she'll eat.
What all this means on a day to day basis: Luke is into EVERYTHING! And he is a fast little thing. He particularly likes to pull and chew on cords and remote controls. He is very loud (something he learned from his sister) and he hasn't quite learned the sitting to crawling move, so when he's tired of sitting he fusses until someone moves him to his belly, or he falls backwards hitting his head which leads to crying. Harper, although she likes to choose, can not make a decision. It takes minutes and minutes and most likely some crying to decide her outfit for the day or the video she wants to watch, really everything. She is also very loud and she talks about everything. Her favorite questions these days are "What are you doing?" or "What happened?" and she will ask you these two questions repeatedly, even if given an answer, she'll continue to ask, and ask, and ask. Oh did I mention she is really stubborn? She actually turned down M&M's the other day simply on principle because she wanted to eat them out of the bag and I wanted to put them in a snack cup.
SO like I said before; uncontrollable love and total irritation.