Friday, August 28, 2009
Luke Hudson
Big Man! Our Luke is almost 15 weeks old and more and more we get to see his sweet personality. Besides screaming (no really, SCREAMING) when being fed due to his reflux (we are on our second round of meds, I am currently cutting out dairy from my diet, and we are about a week away from calling the GI doc to see if what is going on in this kid!) Luke is such a sweet boy! He is super observant, he loves to talk (Dear Lord help me when both of my kids can form sentences!) and extremely content just hanging out. The poor kid, however, has to put up with his extremely spirited, extremely interested sister, who doesn't always realize that he is not a doll, but in fact a real baby. Sometimes I find him staring at me while Harper is talking to him too closely, or covering him with a blanket or trying to put his pacifier in his mouth, as though he's saying "Help me." But I just laugh at them most of the time; watching both of their personalities come together, it's awesome.
One of the many things Harper has done to Luke. I watched as he patiently endured his sister's many failed attempts before finally getting the lamb headband on and declaring, "Bwother, cute."
Before church last Sunday. He looked so stinkin' adorable!
Baby model. Hittin' you with a little "Blue Steal."
Harper Dawn
Oh, my little Harper! What to say about a little girl that has truly turned into a little person in the last few months. Everyday she says something new, does something new and grabs onto our hearts a little more. While I've heard that there are little girls out there that play quietly, or can sit and read books by themselves, or are seemingly more compliant than a boy might be; that is NOT our Harper. My girl wakes up on level 10 and keeps going all day! She runs, she dances, she laughs and talks CONSTANTLY, she always wants to go "bye, bye" or go see her "frwends" (which I think is terribly funny since outside of church on Sundays she really only has one "friend" and he's a boy, and he's 3, and she always trying to hold his hand when they are together.) She is extremely opinionated and stubborn, which can lead to battles between her and I since, according to her dad, she got those two traits from me. But simply put, she is full of life and as her dad says "she is so freakin' great!"
Little Miss got into Mama's makeup. At least she was in the right general location.
This is the "Mama, I didn't do it," look.
Loves her babies.
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